Social media marketing has piqued my interests since its inception. Growing up online and being an early adopter to social media during my undergrad has made me very familiar with the various social media tools – although I cannot claim to be an expert (but I don’t believe anyone truly is a social media expert). Since I am in the PR/marketing field, I have tried to learn as much about social media and the benefits, when to use … and when NOT to use social media.
I have been working at the Indiana State Medical Association for seven years and social media has definitely grown in usage and popularity during that time, especially for communications, public relations and marketing. Physicians are a unique audience to reach for many reasons, and social media communications is no exception. Doctors, on the whole, are usually early adopters and embrace technology, but social media was intimidating for physicians early on. This was mostly due to fear of the unknown when it comes to personal privacy, patient privacy and risks of HIPAA violations. Other physicians simply didn't feel had extra time in their daily schedules to explore social media and how it could help their practice.
The ISMA has used Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for communication with physician members. Adoption has been a struggle, so the ISMA has not discontinued any other forms of traditional communication, but uses social media to complement with current events and photos. The ISMA communications staff posts news or current events on social media, which also has a feed on the ISMA homepage. The government relations staff has used Twitter and Facebook to communicate up-to-the-minute legislative news.
In previous years, the physician members and their staff have gravitated to social media and have become more comfortable online. The ISMA social media has still remained a method to add to other forms of communication effectively and reach new audiences, but will not completely replace any other communication.
Being current and distributing breaking news is a very effective use of social media - having relevant content is key. The types of messages that work best in social media are those that engage the audience and spark discussion or two-way communication – for the ISMA, between members and the organization or between colleagues. It is a useful method for initiating audience feedback and gaining insight.
Social media use has definitely become a game changer for marketing and communications and has stolen some thunder from other communication methods. The ability to communicate two-way, in real time from practically any location with a mobile device has given social media the edge over other forms of traditional media/communication. It has become dominant, but in my personal opinion, I don’t see traditional communication forms becoming completely obsolete, at least not in the near future. Some businesses and organizations will be able to replace traditional communications, but the ISMA is a good example of why those forms of communication won’t quickly become obsolete.